Home > Fashion > This Mom of 3 Takes Thrifting To A Whole New Level

This Mom of 3 Takes Thrifting To A Whole New Level

Did you know that Americans on average only wear an item of clothing 7 times before they discard it? They also throw away between 30 and 40 kilograms of clothes every year. That’s a lot of clothing that ends up in landfills, and most of it is made of synthetic fibers and doesn’t really biodegrade, therefore it pollutes and hurts the environment with microplastics.





And just in case you didn’t know, making clothes uses a lot of resources and the fashion industry actually is one of the biggest contributors to world’s pollution.





Thrifting can really impact the environment because by buying less you create less waste, plus you’re giving a new life to an already used piece of clothing, which makes sure it doesn’t end up in a landfill. But if you want to take thrifting to a whole new level you gotta see what this mom of three is doing.





Sarah Tyau first thought of thrifting as a way to save some money on children’s clothing. Kids grow so quickly and they need so much clothing, and it’s not cheap at all.






It’s not exactly easy to find nice children’s clothes when buying secondhand, but Sarah came up with a very good solution. She just buys adult clothes that she knows she can alter into a cute outfit for her kid.







She’s not a professional seamstress by any means, she just uses the skills she learned in a home economics class in school. She says it’s all about small alterations first. How to make things shorter or tighten the waistline.







But she’s since become very passionate about her life philosophy “Look good, feel good, do good” and took some sewing courses to improve her skills and learn how to sew complicated designs.






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