Home > Relationships > Never Date Anyone Without These 11 Green Flags

Never Date Anyone Without These 11 Green Flags


9. They Celebrate Your Wins And Are Supportive

When you achieve wins, big or small, whether it’s getting a promotion, overcoming a challenge, or doing a fantastic job on a project, your partner should praise you and be proud of those achievements. If they somehow connect your achievements to themselves and infer that you couldn’t have done it without them, that’s a red flag. If they’re genuinely proud of you, that’s a green flag.



10. They Have A Growth Mindset

Stagnation causes you to stay still in life. You want someone who’s passionate about growing as a person because it doesn’t just mean they want to be better for you, it means they want to be better for themselves, and it’s a sign of self-love. A desire for growth shows emotional maturity and self-awareness, which leads to an ability to reflect and, hence, connect more effectively with your partner.



11. They Ask Questions About Your Feelings And Experience 

There’s nothing worse than hearing narcissists drone on and on about themselves without any interest in the person sitting across from them. Seek out people with a genuinely curious nature! When people ask the right questions, it shows that they care and that they’re not concerned only with themselves or being right. 

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