Top 5 Game-Changing Mistakes Every Garena Free Fire Player Must Avoid

In Battle Royale games like Garena Free Fire, avoiding certain mistakes is crucial for survival. With 49 other players competing against you, every move counts. To improve your chances, steer clear of these common blunders. Don’t worry if you slip up – mistakes happen to everyone. This list of mistakes to avoid in Garena FreeFire aims to enhance your gameplay. If you’re new to the game, consider checking out a beginner’s guide. For those seeking more advanced tips, an additional guide is available.

Wasting Grenades

Consider grenades are your escape tickets from tricky situations in the game. A lot of players, even experienced ones, tend to waste away grenades when they could have managed the situation without using grades. As a ground rule, use them only when you have to force your enemies to leave their cover and come out in the open. Or when you want to deal a great amount of damage to the enemy(ies). Don’t be tempted to use them too early and avoid using more than one at the same time.

Not upgrading the Armor

Not all gamers make this mistake but still there are many who do. Players are so focussed on weapons and skins that they don’t upgrade their armor. Keep looking for those armor shards and keep collecting them. Remember that one of the first things you need to upgrade is your vest.

Standing perfectly still

Source: Garena FreeFire

In Garena Free Fire, unlike some other games, there’s no need to adjust your aim to compensate for bullet drop – the bullets travel in a straight line without losing altitude over distance. This simplifies aiming, especially for headshots, as long as you have a good scope equipped. However, it also means that if you stay still for too long or don’t take cover, you’re more likely to be hit by enemy fire, particularly headshots. Therefore, it’s important to stay on the move and use cover effectively to minimize the risk of getting picked off by opponents.

Not wearing headphones

Headphones are essential when playing multiplayer games because they provide a level of spatial awareness that phone speakers can’t match. This is particularly crucial in Garena Free Fire because unlike some other games, the map doesn’t display nearby enemies’ footsteps. Therefore, you heavily rely on sound cues to detect enemy movements and locations. Using headphones enhances your ability to hear these subtle sounds, giving you a competitive edge by allowing you to react more quickly and effectively to enemy threats.

Forgetting to reload

Source: Garena FreeFire

For sure, one of the most frustrating ways to go down in any game is to start reloading mid-fight because you forgot earlier. To avoid this, find a safe spot and ensure all your weapons are fully reloaded. Even if you haven’t fired a single shot, reload all your weapons because you might have picked up extended magazines along the way. Keep an eye on the bars below each weapon, showing how much ammo is left, and make sure they’re always topped up. This way, you’ll be ready for any encounter without any interruptions due to reloading at the wrong time.

Bonus: Rushing blindly – Noob mistake

In Garena Free Fire, loot is undeniably enticing, drawing players with the promise of better weapons and gear. However, the temptation to rush in blindly can be risky. Before venturing out into the open to loot downed enemies, loot drops, or buildings, take a moment to double-check that the coast is clear. Rushing in without caution can leave you vulnerable to ambushes or enemy fire. So, always prioritize safety and ensure the area is secure before going for the loot.

Bonus: Always driving – Big Mistake

Source: Garena FreeFire

Using vehicles in Garena Free Fire is practical when you’re far from the safe zone or need to reach a location quickly. However, driving around unnecessarily can reveal your position to other players, making you an easy target for ambushes. It’s wise to ditch the vehicle as soon as you’re close to your destination to avoid drawing unwanted attention. By traveling on foot, you reduce the risk of being detected by enemies and increase your chances of survival. So, unless absolutely necessary, avoid driving and opt for stealthier approaches instead.

In Garena Free Fire, prioritize safety by avoiding common mistakes like careless looting and unnecessary vehicle use. You must keep in mind these mistakes to avoid in Garena FreeFire. Utilize sound cues with headphones for enemy detection. Stay vigilant, reload all weapons, and ensure surroundings are clear before engaging in any action. These strategies enhance survival and increase chances of victory. Like this post? Don’t forget to check out our other short stories in our Free Fire section

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